- Earn up to4.00 % P.A.
- Open your account online
- No minimum deposits
- Track your savings
Features and Benefits
Open your account online
Already a Member? Open an iSavings account through Online Banking or our Banking App.
No minimum deposits
No regular monthly deposits required to earn interest.
Track your savings
You can easily keep track of your savings with 24/7 access through Online Banking and the Banking App.
High savings, high reward
Designed to reward the long-term saver. The higher your account balance, the higher the interest rate.
Fee free BPAY® transactions
Make paying your bills easy with fee-free BPAY® transactions.
Tiered interest
Interest is tiered, calculated daily and paid monthly.
Our access options:
Get in touch
To find out more, speak to our friendly staff.
It’s easy to get in touch with our friendly staff using one of our convenient options to suit your lifestyle below:
If any of your CDR data is incorrect, please contact us. You can also send a Secure Message via the Inbox in Online Banking or the Banking App. We will not charge any fee for requests to correct customer CDR data. If you have a complaint or an issue, please read about our complaints process.