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Police Credit Union – Annual Report 2021/22

Police Credit Union continues to support Members by delivering a balanced mix of face-to-face, as well as reliable and innovative digital solutions culminating into another successful year of performance…

Despite persistently challenging and volatile market conditions Police Credit has achieved an excellent year of performance with results including a strong 92.5% Member Satisfaction Rating, profit after tax concluding the financial period at $6.6 million, slightly ahead of the previous year and an increase of Member reserves to $105.9 million, a 10.6% increase on the previous period.

As a mutual and customer-owned organisation, we put our Members first by reinvesting 100% of profits back into the business to continue to provide market-leading, highly competitive products and services. Our future commitment to remain innovative, resilient, sustainable, values driven and relevant in delivering a customer experience that is second to none is absolute, as we strive to support our emergency services, important wider community and environmental initiatives.

You can read more about our future commitments and results for the 2021/2022 financial year in our Annual Report.

View the full report 2021/2022 Police Credit Union Annual Report.