Police Credit Union

Faces Behind Better Banking – Liam

Finding stability and a personable culture in a workplace, Liam is one of the newer faces at Police Credit Union, but he has quickly become one of our biggest advocates.

We’re so glad to have him on board.

Get to know Liam a little more…

Where did you work before joining Police Credit Union?

I worked in customer service at Woolworths for 3 years until I turned 18. Then I moved into a call centre about 2 years ago for a contractor called Datacom. It was during the last 2 years where I completed a Certificate III in Business. I also spent a short time at university studying Science and Education, but ultimately decided I would prefer to continue working full time.

What appealed to you about coming to work for Police Credit Union?

When my previous role was made redundant, one of the first opportunities that caught my eye was the role I am in now. While I ticked many of the boxes and felt qualified, it was really the insights into the culture that made me determined to apply.

How do you describe what you do at PCU?

It feels difficult to sum up the wide range of responsibilities my peers and I hold in this role. The best summary would be that we take a large volume of member calls and regardless of the topic we endeavour to provide customer service which stands out in the industry and in general. We complete a large amount of telephone banking tasks, but we also ensure that every question is answered and leave no page unturned.

I also offer recommendations on how we can improve our services and customer experiences across different communication channels by working with our Marketing department.

What skills have you learnt in previous roles that have assisted you in your new role with Police Credit Union?

In my previous call centre role, I had to speak with a high volume of customers who were in some of the most difficult times of their lives. Whilst challenging, this was one of the best lessons in empathy anyone could ask for. Additionally, it solidified my ability to communicate efficiently with anyone, whether they be a customer or colleague.

What has been one of your most positive experiences at Police Credit Union? 

It’s tough to name one specific experience, but it is always such an honour and relief to be recognised officially for hard work. A massive difference in Police Credit Union to my previous roles is the real care they have for recognising fantastic customer service. Recognition is one of the best ways to promote and reward staff for going above and beyond.

What is your most memorable customer experience at Police Credit Union and why?

On one occasion, I assisted a member and her husband who were recent victims of a scam. Through our conversation, we managed to discuss the situation and put member at ease. The member was very thankful. While she had lost some money at another financial institution, we managed to protect her main savings with Police Credit Union. I was glad to be the one to assist them through such a difficult time, and I still speak with them to this day.

Who is your favourite customer and why?

Choosing a favourite customer is difficult, but there is a member who calls once every few weeks to pay his bills. He always rings at 8:00am on the dot, with no exceptions, and is bubbly and friendly regardless of the time. His liveliness always perks me up in the mornings and I am thankful for that. He even asked about me on one occasion when I was away, which to me validates the impact good customer service can have.

What is one funny/surprising fact that you have learned about one of your team members?

I found out recently that one of my colleagues lives only 2 minutes from my house, and that we have probably been walking past each other in the supermarket for the past 10 years! It’s crazy to me that you can find such interesting connections with people, and that anyone on the street could be a friend in just a short time.

What are you watching on TV at the moment?

My partner finally managed to talk me into watching The Rookie. Although I would not admit this to her, I was glued to the screen and will be watching the new season later this month!

What do you like to do with your spare time and on the weekends?

My interests often change, but recently I have been more involved with family, specifically just to play boardgames for a few hours, or for a drink in the back garden. I will also fit in the time where possible for some video games!

What is your secret hidden talent/superpower?

I have a wealth of the worlds most useless information stored in my brain. I used to frequent a pub trivia group and that was something I looked forward to each week. While I’m sure I’ll be rusty, I really want to get back into this soon so I can put some of that useless knowledge to work!

Do you have any pets?

I have got two crazy dogs, a goldie and a lagotto, who love nothing more than to always be right next to me and my family. I also have a beautiful cat, who after almost 10 years, has finally started to love me back!

What is the best tip you have ever been told?

While simple and overused, it would be that you must learn from your mistakes. This tip keeps me hopeful while I am learning something new, and humble when I begin to become more consistent and confident.

Would you recommend working at Police Credit Union to your friends or family? What advice would you give them about starting a career in the Banking industry?

I absolutely would recommend Police Credit Union. In fact, I have been doing just that since day one and managed to encourage one of my friends to join the Contact Centre team. The culture is so sincere and cannot be matched. My best advice is to set your standards. Having some experience now at Police Credit Union, I can never go back to being just a number.

Now you know Liam, the friendly voice on the phone delivering exceptional customer service, the FAQ guru ready to answer member queries, and the pub trivia mastermind. Perhaps you know someone looking for an opportunity to grow their career? Why not recommend our current job listings on our SEEK page. We are passionate about helping people like Liam find stable and fulfilling roles in the banking industry.