Our Disclaimer
The following is important information about our website. By accessing this site you agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions.
The information contained on this website is the property of Police Credit Union Ltd ABN 30 087 651 205, AFSL/Australian Credit Licence 238991 unless otherwise stated. You may not alter the information or use the Police Credit Union logo without written permission. You may save or print sections of the website for your own information.
Nature of Information
The information contained in this website is general in nature. It is not intended to replace advice you may obtain concerning products and services available. Although every effort is made to ensure that the information is up-to-date and correct. Police Credit Union does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of any information on the website. Police Credit Union does not warrant that information is suitable for your intended use. All information on this website is subject to change at any time.
Terms and Conditions
The products and services on this website are only available to Australian residents. The information on this website is not directed at people in any other country apart from Australia. The products and services shown on this website are subject to South Australian, Northern Territory and Commonwealth (Australian) law. Terms and conditions apply and fees and charges are payable. Membership and lending criteria apply.
Subject to any terms imposed or required by Australian Law, Police Credit Union accepts no responsibility for any loss, expense or damage to any person arising from acting or refraining to act upon information contained in this website.
Links to Other Website
There may be links on the website to third-party sites. It is important that you understand the views expressed on those sites are not necessarily those of Police Credit Union, nor is it a recommendation or endorsement to purchase a product or service contained in those sites.
General Advice Warning
Any advice on this website does not take into account your personal circumstances or financial objectives. Before taking out a product you should consider whether it is appropriate for your circumstances.