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Compliments, Complaints and Feedback

We love to hear your positive feedback, but we also want to know about ways we can improve....

Compliments & Feedback

Have you had a positive experience?

We love to pass on your positive feedback to our team. If you have had a positive experience with someone in our team, let us know. We also encourage you to provide us details on how we can improve our products and services.

Tell us about your experience via one of the methods shown below and we will pass on the positive feedback.


We’re here to listen

Our goal is to deliver a customer experience that is second to none, so it’s important for us to know if we have not met your expectations.

If you need to raise concerns with us, or are unhappy with how we’ve handled something, please download our Guide to Feedback and Complaints Resolution – Improving your Experience with Police Credit Union or follow these steps:

There are a few easy ways to get in touch so please choose the option that best suits you.

Please tell us:

  • Your name and preferred contact details
  • What’s happened and what you believe can be done to fix it

Our aim is to resolve issues quickly and effectively. By giving us as much information as possible, you’ll be helping us resolve things faster.

Who will help?

While we will try to resolve your complaint on the spot, if you believe the issue still hasn’t been resolved, you can contact our dedicated Dispute Resolution Officer.

Email: [email protected] 
Post:  Dispute Resolution Officer, Police Credit Union, PO Box 6074, Halifax Street Post Office, Adelaide SA 5000.

How long will it take?

Our Dispute Resolution Officer will investigate your complaint or feedback, complete a full review and respond to you, usually within 21 days. If we need longer than this, we will provide you with regular progress updates and if further information is needed, we will always let you know.

What if I am unhappy with the resolution?

If you’re not satisfied with our response or handling of the complaint, you can lodge a complaint with the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA). AFCA provides free and independent complaint resolution service to individuals and small business customers who are unable to resolve their complaint with Police Credit Union directly.

Online: www.afca.org.au
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 1800 931 678 (free call)
Post: Australian Financial Complaints Authority, GPO Box 3, Melbourne VIC 3001

Time limits may apply when lodging a complaint to AFCA, so you should act promptly. Visit the AFCA website to find out more.

How to contact us



For general enquiries: [email protected]
For disputes and complaints: [email protected]


PO Box 6074, Halifax Street PO, Adelaide SA 5000