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Faces Behind Better Banking – Billy

From Apple Genius to Retail Operations Officer and one of our Green Waste Eco-Ambassadors. Billy is one of the newer faces at Police Credit Union, but he’s very quickly mastered new skills and become a proactive contributor within our team.

We’re so glad to have him on board.

Get to know Billy a little more…

Can you tell us about your career history before joining Police Credit Union?

Before joining Police Credit Union, I worked for Apple and before that I worked at an authorised Apple repair centre. I started as a sales representative and worked my way up to running the Repair Room. Then an opportunity at Apple came up so I applied and worked as a Genius, At Home Advisor and a Team Leader of the Sales Team.

What led you to work for Police Credit Union?

I was looking for a career change after repairing computers for almost 10 years. I felt that it was time to learn some new skills as the skills I had were quite niche. So, while I was at home with COVID, I had a look at what was out there and applied for Police Credit Union. I ended up starting a few weeks later in the Adelaide branch as a Member Service Officer, where I was primarily a teller. Three months into the position, the role of Retail Operations Officer became available. I asked Todd, the department manager, if I could do a trial period in this role to make sure I fit the position and the rest is history.

How do you describe what you do at PCU?

I work in the Retail Operations team, primarily handling deceased estates and complex customer queries. This involves supporting our Members and their families through what can be an extremely challenging time. We also work with law firms, coordinating the finalisation of a Membership after someone has passed away. In addition to this we support the branches with any requests that come through. I have only been in the team for nine months so still early days and a lot to learn!

What is your favourite part of your role?

The diversity in work would be one of the highlights of my role. Retail Operations works with a lot of back-end processing, cheques, deceased estates and some disputes. In addition to this, we get questions from branches if things aren’t working as expected. Being able to problem solve keeps my brain active as no two days are ever the same.

What are you hoping to achieve in this role?

I want to learn as much as I can. I am the type of person who likes to absorb as much information as possible and share that knowledge with whoever I can. Once I master the deceased estates responsibilities, I want to cross-skill across various teams so I can continue to grow and help the wider Police Credit Union team.

How have you grown while being involved with Police Credit Union?

Before starting at Police Credit Union, I had no banking experience. I had to start fresh and learn completely different skills which was definitely challenging. It was a good reminder to remain open minded and receptive to feedback. This mindset allowed me to grow rapidly.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

I see myself upskilling and moving into the position of Transaction and Operations Team Leader or a Relationship Manager role because I enjoy working with people. With my previous team management and customer service experience, I think I would work well managing a team or connecting with our Platinum members. No matter what role I move into in the future, I think my people skills and willingness to learn will give me the opportunity to try anything and run with it.

What process have you improved within your team or the company in your time here?

I have made many recommendations throughout the company to increase efficiency and improve Member experience. The improvements I feel have made the biggest difference relate to the deceased estates. Since joining the Retail Operations team, I have digitised and organised our deceased estates library which has resulted in a more efficient process, faster response time, and it has contributed to our Carbon Reduction Strategy by reducing our paper use. I also helped create our deceased estates brochure to ensure Members have easy access to information they can read at their own pace during what is often a difficult time.

How have you contributed to the community or environment while working at Police Credit Union?

I am proud to work for a business that actively encourages its employees to support community events and causes. For nearly 10 years, I have been donating plasma. My partner has some health struggles that have required multiple surgeries. Experiencing her battles second hand has motivated me to help others struggling with their health by donating plasma. Having a paid Corporate Social Responsibility Day each year allows me to continue donating plasma on a regular basis. I also support our environmental goals as an Eco-Ambassador responsible for our EcoCaddy bins. I assist with making sure our Head Office green waste is collected each week, which helps divert greenhouse gases from being emitted into our atmosphere.  

What do you like to do with your spare time and on the weekends?

In my spare time I go to a different cellar door in the wine regions around South Australia. My partner and I have created a spreadsheet with all the wineries from A to Z and check one off each weekend. It makes us go out of our comfort zone and try places that we wouldn’t have ordinarily considered, and we have found some amazing places because of it! The standout being K1 Wines in the Adelaide Hills.

Tell us about your hobbies/passions/sports?

In my spare time when I’m not at work or a winery, I am often out on a run or on my bike. I’ve been competing in triathlons after an injury ended my water polo career. My goal is to qualify for the Ironman 70.3 World Championships based in Taupo in December next year so that’ll keep me quite busy! When I’m not running or cycling, I can be found watching Drag Race and other trashy TV shows with my partner and our three “fur babies”.

What is your favourite recipe/meal to cook?

Carbonara. Working so close to the markets means that I can go to Marino’s and get the proper ingredients. It’s so simple and tastes so good.

What’s one experience in South Australia you recommend that everyone experience?

I don’t think that I could narrow it down to one specific experience. We are incredibly lucky in South Australia to have so much good food and wine no matter which direction you drive in. I’ve found picking a small South Australian business can often surprise you with what they have to offer.

What is your favourite thing about working at Police Credit Union?

I know it sounds cliché, but the people. Both staff and Members. I love that I can call a branch and it feels as though we’ve been friends for years or I can walk down the hallway and the Executive team knows who you are and will always stop for a conversation.

What advice would you give to someone wanting to start a career in banking?

Just do it. Life is too short to sit there wondering ‘what if?’. There’s no shame in trying and then finding it isn’t for you, but at least you know you tried.

Now you know Billy, the enthusiastic individual supporting our Retail Operations team, the caring presence managing deceased estate cases, and the triathlete winery connoisseur, perhaps you know someone looking for an opportunity to grow their career? Why not recommend our current job listings on our SEEK page. We are passionate about helping people like Billy dive into the banking industry, expand their skills and achieve their career goals.