Police Credit Union 54th AGM Call for Nominations for 2024. Read more about this notice

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Congratulations to our Winning Artists

A big thank you to all the amazing young artists who entered our Kids’ Art Competition for 2023.

We received the most entries we’ve ever had and are proud to share so many wonderful and unique artworks!

Congratulations to our 13 winners:

  • Anuk, age 5
  • Sanuli, age 12
  • Sachini, age 12
  • Mia, age 7
  • Claire, age 10
  • Vianne, age 15
  • Crystal, age 9
  • Ayaan, age 12
  • Zoe, age 10
  • Johnson, age 12
  • Mia, age 11
  • Ryder, age 8
  • Katie, age 4

We’re now hard at work preparing our 2024 Police Credit Union Calendar, so stay tuned on a release date to get your hands on one!